Phd funding
The Biomedical Humanities Initiative funds two doctoral contracts per year, promoting co-directed projects involving an approach with actors in the field, with an inter-disciplinary approach.
The Biomedical Humanities Initiative is part of the Sorbonne University Alliance and participates in the promotion of interdisciplinary research and the structuring of training through research. It is part of a network of Institutes and Initiatives that unite the Alliance's research and teaching communities around a common issue. The institutes respond to societal challenges and are designed to bring together several disciplines, thus giving researchers from different backgrounds the opportunity to compare their knowledge and experience. The initiatives explore opportunities for trans-disciplinary collaboration in other fields.
In this respect, the Biomedical Humanities Initiative funds two doctoral contracts per year. To find out more about the framework and process for awarding these doctoral contracts, you can contact us or consult the Sorbonne University website.
2020 Winners :
- Anne Fenoy, Philosophy, SND, UMR 8011, "Knowing and curing brain diseases: the challenges of the birth of neuropathology", thesis co-supervised by Claire Crignon and Pr Danielle Seilhean
- Laurie-Anne Galiby, Sociology, GEMASS, UMR 8598, "Training for the 'dirty job': From the making of the professional ethos of medical interns to the management of pain in patients at the end of life", thesis co-directed by Pr Pierre Demeulenaere and Dr Michèle Lévy-Soussan