Alexandre Escargueil

Leader of the Biomedical Humanities Initiative

  • UMR S 938 Centre de recherche Saint-Antoine et Institut universitaire de cancérologie


Alexandre Escargueil holds a PhD in cellular and molecular biology (former Pierre and Marie Curie University, now Sorbonne University). In the course of his career, he has carried out research activities in France at the Institut Gustave-Roussy, at the Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique and then at the Hôpital St-Antoine, in England at the University of Oxford and in Brazil at the University of Caxias do Sul before joining the Université Pierre et Marie Curie in 2008 as a lecturer.

Since 2014, Alexandre Escargueil has been a university professor at Sorbonne University. He teaches biology and its numerous links with the health field and continues his research at the Saint-Antoine Research Centre within the Biology and Therapeutics of Cancer team. Since 2012, he has been a member of the Scientific and Pedagogical Council and then of the Strategic Orientation Council of the Institut Universitaire de Cancérologie (IUC) - APHP.6-Sorbonne University, where he co-directs the doctoral programme. Since 2017, he has also been a member of the Scientific Council of the French National Institute for Health and Medical Research (Inserm). In 2015, with the support of the IUC, the Institut Universitaire d'Ingénierie en Santé and the UFR de Philosophie de Sorbonne Université, he created the Innovation in Public Health minor at Sorbonne Université.

This project and the resulting collaborations led to the creation, on 1 January 2020, of the Biomedical Humanities Initiative of the Sorbonne University Alliance, which he co-directs with Claire Crignon (MCU HDR in Philosophy).